Each configured catalog
represents a resource for referencing versioned assets. Catalogs make configuring Zilla more agnostic to specific API and Model design. A catalog provides Zilla bindings with schemas, specs, and other files needed to implement the binding. For example, schema models are used to validate messages brokered by Zilla.
name: zilla-namespace
type: filesystem
path: petstore.yaml
Local Catalogs
The simplest catalogs allow Zilla to access resources directly. The filesystem catalog will look for resources on the host filesystem. To embed a resource directly into the Zilla config yaml an inline catalog can be used to define any text based resource.
Remote Catalogs
Zilla can reference remote configs stored in third-party services like Schema Registry. The schema-registry and apicurio catalogs allow zilla to interact with those services through their admin APIs.
Apicurio in the Petstore REST Demo | http.kafka.karapace example